23 July, 2020

The Worst Of The Worst

Today’s list is the worst songs ever recorded. This list is subjective, but I’m sure we can agree on at least a few. Before we get to it, I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry...

Artist & Song

Iselin “Santa’s Summer”

Have you ever wondered what Santa does in the summertime? Yeah, neither has anyone else. Putting these random thoughts together, with the worst possible music, with her voice... Let’s just say she should stick to Botox and tanning beds. If you think the song is bad, check out the music video...

Rebecca Black “Friday”

Again with the super nasally voice. How do these people get recorded, let alone get air time on the radio? I won’t even start on the lyrics... except that I’m pretty sure a 5-year-old wrote it.

Toy-Box “Superstar”

You probably heard or saw Toy-Box’s “Tarzan and Jane”, way back in the day. As much as we all hoped they stopped there, alas, they did not. Granted, the message in this is more than true for many celebs, but that doesn’t make it good. 

Crazy Town “Butterfly”

Make... it... stop. Is it rap? Is it metal? What is it?! Another one with a video that makes you go “Huh?!”

Snow “Informer”

Yeah, the reggae/rap mashup thing should never have been a thing. Although, to be perfectly honest, it’s the least of the evils in this list. That’s not saying much, but still.

Fergie “London Bridge” [E]

Has Fergie ever done anything of merit? Straight from the “I’m gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket” artist, I give you her debut. There’s exactly zero sense or merit to this, again, like everything else she’s done. She’d do well to quietly fade into oblivion.

Right Said Fred “I’m Too Sexy”

You know it. You make fun of it. Kroger used it in their latest adverts. No matter how hard we try to erase this sad excuse for a song, it keeps popping up. Mostly to be made fun of, but that doesn’t make it hurt our ears any less.

D4L “Laffy Taffy” [E]

This would be a great song to blast on repeat to get prisoners to talk. Then again... that would probably be considered “cruel and unusual punishment”. I dare you to listen to this without laughing. Go ahead. I’ll wait.

*NSYNC, Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes “Space Cowboy (Yippie-Yi-Yay)”

Love ‘em or hate ‘em, this is the absolute worst track they ever recorded. It’s complete nonsense, put to music, with an “I’m so sexy” tone. Please make this one go away. Now.

Backstreet Boys “Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely” 

I’m probably going to catch crap for this, but of all the cheesy crap BSB released, this is by far the cheesiest. Even the title makes me vomit a little.

Got something I should hear? Let me know in the comments!

***Music is subjective. My opinions are not the only ones out there. If you like something I don’t recommend, that’s awesome! Tell your friends about the awesome song you just heard!***

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